
The website Pravni saveti is for sale
After 13 years of enthusiasm and desire to be useful to everyone with advice or guidance in their legal torments, we decided to get rid of this additional commitment for us. Our Pravni saveti project has a great reputation, numerous users over the years and last but not least excellent optimization and history.
For what purposes and to whom would this site be suitable:
- A law firm with a wide range of legal services, as there is no clearly profiled course on the subject by our users
- A group of lawyers with different specializations to distribute potential clients
- The site is a good addition to a group of other socially oriented or news sites
- The site allows for the realization and sale of numerous links for SEO, and its scope is unlimited based on case studies and keywords
What our offer includes:
- Domain with a history of over 13 (2008) years of reputation on legal and juridical topics
- Over 3000 pages with various legal cases, lawyers, notaries and PEAs indexed in Google
- Facebook page with over 5500 followers, closely profiled for legal information
- Daily visits to over 100 users and over 240,000 users for the last 8 years
How could it develop:
With a good team and a clear idea of what the model of monetization is, this is a project that could bring great revenue. We are not referring to the example of sites for paid legal services, but in the skillful referral of users to the right lawyer or attorney to get a fair price for their service.
Ideas can be suggested in many different ways, but it all depends on whether this site will be the main tool for profit or will be a supporting part of a larger and larger idea.
External SEO optimization (Off-page optimization)
External optimization can be defined as building online authority - trust and reputation of a site. Authority is established when other websites place links to your site. Therefore, some SEO specialists (optimizers) define Off-page SEO as synonymous with building or attracting inbound links. In other words, this type of optimization is the number of quality links that build the authority of the site and help it rank in search engines. Links to your website should come from secure, reliable sites whose content is high quality, useful, interesting and thematically related to the content of your site. In fact, having such a site of legal advice, you have a quality tool for "earning links" (earning links).
What is the fair price for such a project:
It is up to the stakeholders to assess the value of this project, we will consider and discuss any acceptable proposal. Selling the site is not an end in itself for us, but a way to continue the development of something on which we spend time and emotion over 13 years.